Beginning in 2014, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires most individuals to obtain acceptable health insurance coverage for themselves and their family members or pay a penalty. This rule is often referred to as the "individual mandate." Individuals may be eligible for an exemption from the penalty in certain circumstances.
On Jan. 30, 2013, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a proposed rule relating to the individual mandate. On June 26, 2013, HHS issued a final rule that finalizes the proposed standards. This final rule outlines exemptions from the individual mandate and establishes standards and procedures for Exchanges to determine eligibility for exemptions and designate coverage as constituting minimum essential coverage.
In conjunction with the final rule, HHS' Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services issued additional guidance specifically on the hardship exemption.
Under the individual mandate, a penalty will be assessed against an individual for any month during which he or she does not maintain "minimum essential coverage," beginning in 2014 (unless an exemption applies). A taxpayer is also liable for the penalty for any nonexempt individual whom the taxpayer may claim as a dependent.
Minimum essential coverage includes coverage under an eligible employer-sponsored plan. An eligible employer-sponsored plan is a group health plan (whether an insured group health plan or a self-insured group health plan) or group health insurance coverage offered by an employer to the employee that is:
IRS Notice 2013-42 provides transition relief from the individual mandate penalty for certain months in 2014 for individuals who are eligible to enroll in eligible employer-sponsored health plans with plan years other than the calendar year (non-calendar year plans).
The ACA provides the following nine categories of individuals who are exempt from the penalty for not maintaining minimum essential coverage:
An individual who is eligible for an exemption for any one day of a month is treated as exempt for the entire month.
For purposes of this exemption, the IRS defines what constitutes a federally recognized Indian tribe. Because this definition is very limited, the final rule creates a separate hardship exemption for Indians who do not meet the IRS' definition but are eligible for services through the Indian Health Service or through Indian health care providers.
The hardship exemption is intended for individuals who have suffered a hardship with respect to the capability to obtain coverage under a qualified health plan. Under the final rule, a
hardship exemption is available for a month or months in which:
HHS has enumerated several situations that will always be treated as constituting a hardship for purposes of the hardship exemption, including:
The final rule also provides that the hardship exemption will be available on a case-by-case basis for individuals who face other unexpected personal or financial circumstances that prevent them from obtaining coverage. CMS' additional guidance on the hardship exemption establishes criteria that federally facilitated Exchanges (FFEs) will use to determine eligibility for the hardship exemption. State-based Exchanges have the option of using these criteria.
Applicants are eligible for the religious conscience exemption if they are members of, and subscribe to the tenets of, religious groups that object to having insurance coverage (including Medicare and Social Security) on religious grounds. Qualification for the religious conscience exception can be established by proof of Social Security and Medicare tax exemption or by attestation of membership in a group recognized by the Social Security Administration (SSA) as exempt.
Parents can apply for this exemption for their families as well as themselves. The proposed rule required children of families with an exemption certificate to apply on their own behalf at age 18. However, the final rule recognizes that most groups covered by this exemption (mainly Mennonite and Amish groups) recognize the age of adulthood as age 21. As a result, the final rule raises the age to reapply on one's own behalf to age 21. Once an eligible family member reaches age 21, the Exchange will send notice of his or her need to apply on his or her own behalf.
Four categories of exemptions will be available exclusively through the tax filing process – for individuals who are not lawfully present, individuals with household income below the filing threshold, individuals who cannot afford coverage and individuals who experience a short coverage gap. In addition, certain subcategories of the hardship exemption will be available exclusively through the tax filing process.
Three exemptions — those for members of a health care sharing ministry, individuals who are incarcerated and members of federally recognized Indian tribes — could be provided either through an Exchange or through the tax filing process.
The religious conscience exemption and most categories of the hardship exemption are available exclusively through an Exchange. Individuals must apply for these exemptions by filing an application with the Exchange. The final rule allows an individual to apply for multiple exemptions simultaneously. However, individuals will generally be required to submit a new application for exemptions each year. The Exchanges will not send applicants notice of their obligation to reapply.
Once an application is received, the Exchange will determine eligibility and will issue certificates of exemption for each eligible applicant. Exchanges will grant certificates of exemption regardless of whether the applicant seeks coverage through the Exchange or not.
Exemption certificates for membership in a health care sharing ministry and for incarceration can only be granted retrospectively, since the Exchange cannot know prospectively how long the applicant will remain incarcerated or with the sharing ministry. Certificates for the religious conscience exemption and for members of Indian tribes can be applied for prospectively and retrospectively and can last indefinitely, since qualification for these exemptions persists from year to year.
The Exchanges must report exemption certifications to the IRS. Individuals who have been denied an exemption will have the right to appeal. In addition, an applicant who is no longer qualified for an exemption but is otherwise eligible to enroll in a QHP will be eligible for a special enrollment period.
The ACA lists seven categories of coverage that qualify as minimum essential coverage. The final rule also designates other types of coverage, not specifically listed by the ACA, as minimum essential coverage:
Minimum essential coverage does not include certain specialized coverage, such as coverage only for vision care or dental care, workers' compensation or coverage only for a specific disease or condition.
In general, an individual is not eligible for a premium tax credit if he or she is eligible for other minimum essential coverage. On June 26, 2013, the IRS released Notice 2013-41, which provides guidance for when an individual is treated as eligible for certain types of minimum essential coverage where special circumstances exist.
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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